We live in a media driven society. Gone are the days, when a simple church card or a typed out flyer announcing the church yard sale grab your community's attention. Sis Betty Secretary's handwritten letter no longer stands out with the bank or the local chamber of commerce. Does your community even know who you are?
As Christians, we are called to be "in the world" (but not of it). Does the flyer in my hand enlighten someone to that status; or are these graphics so outdated and stale, people will immediately toss this in the trash? Can people see that we are a thriving community just from our social media, or is my business page just a menu memory board from lunch appointments?
Examine your graphics. What do they say? Are they inviting or harsh? Are they warm or cold? If your logo, business letterhead, social media, business card, envelopes, etc. don't capture your attention... why would they cultivate a new client?